Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Range circles from WA5MLF

This map shows circles of distance from my location, in increments of 100 miles.

Click on map for expanded view.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Windows 10 installing without permission

Click to enlarge
I found many references to this issue, reported by folks who are fighting the same upgrade demon.  The screen shot here shows the history of failed upgrades on one of the Windows 7 office computers that I support. This behavior has sometimes bogged down the computer's performance, hampering the user's productivity.

Below are a few of the links with answers that seem to have the following elements in common:
  • Uninstall updates KB3035583, KB2990214, and KB2952664
  • If KB3035583 comes back, uninstall it again, then in the updates available for download and install, right-click on it and select Hide update.If that does not work, see the 3rd link below.
  • Turn off automatic updates to prevent these from installing again. There is an "Optional" update 'Upgrade to Windows 10 Pro' which IS automatically selected. You'll need to manually select future critical / important updates for installation.
Stop Windows 10 upgrade

Windows 10 upgrading without permission

Removing the get Windows 10 icon

Uninstalling a Windows update

Windows 10 may already be on your PC even if you don’t want it

Friday, September 4, 2015

Recursive VoIP Phone Patch

This morning W4BXI was testing his VoIP phone patch arrangements using a Google Hangout. As the radio propagation gradually faded on 3740 kHz to my location, due to rising sun, he added me to the patch on my cell phone. Later he added W4UOA via his cell phone. Carl wondered if there was a way for us to test the use of a separate Google Hangout between the two of us and bridge it to the Hangout that John originally established. By calling his cell phone from the second Hangout, Carl was then able to bridge the two voice calls on his phone and enable us to talk and listen via our PCs while patched to the W4BXI station.
The sketch here shows the arrangement, with separate colors and line styles to distinguish the components. (Click on it for a full size view.) This "lash-up" worked very well for us! It is not intended for routine use, of course.

Naturally, the first choice for patching with a Google Hangout is to connect the person via his or her Google ID on the Hangout, for best audio quality (and video). A connection to a cell phone or landline phone is the second choice.

Update:  A new web app for Hangouts is now available.
Just point your browser to: